Shadowland Foundation / by Stacey Almason

As we began our study through the continent of North American we turned to Shadowland Foundation to learn about wolves.  Prior to our visit we read three books to lay a strong foundation of basic knowledge.

1.  National Geographic Kids Wolves

2.  National Geographic Kids Mission Wolf Rescue

3.  Journey: Based on the true story of OR7

As we approached the gates at Shadowland Foundation the sound of the wolves howling silenced our entire car, it was an awe inspiring sound that could never be explained in words. We all sat silent listening to the howls that were mentally chilling from pre-conceived notions.


We booked a private two hour educational program.  During this program they educate all ages on the story behind their foundation through videos and stories.  The story of Shadow was a touching story that brought me to tears as I watched the video. This tour exceeded my expectations to be able to walk away fully understanding wolves behavior.  Their interaction with each other and communication as a pack was truly an amazing experience.  


When you visit shadowland and meet everyone you immediately get a sense of their passion for these majestic animals.  


When we met Freedom her eyes were so overpowering there is no way I could capture it in a photo.  I tried but was unsuccessful.  The spirit within these animals is spellbinding.


We learned about where they live, why they howl, in addition to, other factual information about wolves during our visit.


We left with a better understanding of how highly social and intelligent the wolves are.