Introduction to Art / by Stacey Almason


We were lucky enough to be able to take a docent guided tour Introduction to Art while visiting the San Diego Museum of Art.  I say lucky because I have found that it is extremely rare for any art museum to be willing to give a single homeschool family a tour.  


Our Docent was astounding.  She kept Jaxon's attention the entire hour and kept him engaged.  She combined knowledge of history with knowledge of art. 


As they sat together she helped him learn that art was about looking closely at the individual piece in front of you.  By being able to have the confidence to express his own ideas and thoughts while appreciating art.  By teaching him to dissect a piece of art with his own eyes by connecting it to the past, other cultures, and life itself because art is about so many different levels of emotion.  It is opportunities like these that give our children the chance to learn and develop the skills they need to succeed not only in the art world but in life itself.