Palm Springs Art for all Ages / by Stacey Almason

When I heard about Palm Springs Art for All Ages I was curious to see how they were going to be able to appeal to so many different age groups.  The event is held during the museums Free Second Sundays.  I have visited the museum in the past for adult tours prior to having Jaxon and have always loved my visits to Palm Springs Art Museum.  The Free Second Sundays are possible with the support of H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation.  During this event they also have a pop up studio.  This month the artist who was present was Michael Parker.  


When we first arrived we were asked to pick a country out of a hat, then we had to draw it to fill the dimensions of the board and cut it out.   Of course Jaxon was very interested and thought it was fun.  Then when we returned the board to the booth set up we were explained in further detail that this creation was going to be used by the artist in his next project.  Still slightly perplexed we were led to his exhibit.  


Michael Parker is a sculpture artist who has recently spent months creating a giant arch made of cardboard.  The LA Times wrote an article about his achievement which I found extremely fascinating.  The entire room was full of arches made of all different materials and designs.  He took a 3-D printer and recreated his own sculptures. He then passed them on to friends asking them to make his arches personal.  It was a extremely amazing concept and it allowed my son to see how so many minds can see a piece of art in all different ways.  If you have been following us Jaxon has been struggling with the fact that art's imperfections are what make it so unique and it is a personal creation for ones self.  After browsing the exhibit we returned to the art tables to now create our own arch.  At this point Jaxon looked over at me and said I am so excited I was able to be a part of his next art piece.  I smiled what a feeling for a small child to have that he was trusted to create something that will be included in something so much bigger then he could ever imagine.


On our way out Jaxon saw the artist and asked if he could ask him a question.  As he approached him Michael got down on his knees to be at Jaxon's level.  As a mother that right there completely impressed me not many adults do that.  I wish more adults could take notice of this, you never know the effects a person has on a young child when they share their knowledge and passion of a subject.  The stepping stones you are laying for a child to empower them to be greater then they could ever imagine.  These are the most important moments in life that are so often ignored or pushed aside because their opinions or questions are not of value in an adult world.  So I would like to say Thank you to Michael Parker for making my sons day, week and opened his mind to who knows in the future.
