Hidden Talent Art / by Stacey Almason

In choosing how we were going to spend our summer I decided to enroll Jaxon in some summer camps that interested him.  I began my search at Stratford School's Pleasanton location due to the fact that last year he spent the summer at their summer socrates camp.  I knew their classes had structure and were well instructed.  Since Jaxon has recently taken an interest in art when I saw their Hidden Talent Art class listed I knew it would be the perfect fit.  What I did not expect was that Stratford actually brought someone in from a company to teach this class. 


The company is based out of San Jose and after his completion of this course I can say I will have no problem traveling to San Jose for Jaxon to be able to attend classes at The Hidden Talent Art next year.


While attending art camp Jaxon learned about many artist tools such as chalk pastels, ink, charcoal, and paint.  


He learned all different forms of techniques while using these tools by creating two art projects daily.


The progression in Jaxon's ability to take his own creative ideas and apply them on a piece  paper has been absolutely incredible.


 This was a great introduction to art for him and he now looks at art in a whole new light.  I have noticed since taking this class it has given him the ability to look at a piece of art and not only have an understanding of how it was created and with what tools and techniques were used.   But he has now also gained the ability to hold a conversation to discuss all his acquired knowledge. Giving him the ability to have a better understanding of both sides of art.