Clinton Castle National Monument / by Stacey Almason

During our recent visit to New York we wanted to be able to do as much as we possibly could in walking distance of our hotel located in Battery Park.  While exploring Battery Park we found ourselves inside Castle Clinton National Monument.  


Castle Clinton does not have their Junior Ranger Book online so you have to pick one up once you arrive.  The rangers are walking around so you just have to stop and ask one of them.  They do not have an official area that you are able to talk to them except their private office which is the door to the left as you pass through the arch.  The book is designed for ages 4-7 to complete three pages and ages 8 and up must complete all the activities.  Jaxon was able to complete the book with little to no problems.


As we began filling out our book we did lose sight that there was an outside so I would suggest walking around outside to see the plaque at the entrance which answers some of the questions on page nine.  


When it came to the Cannons on page three we had to ask the ranger for assistance that is when we discovered that at some point in time someone had stolen their signs.  That is why we were having a difficult time finding the answers we needed to complete the book.  This is when I am happy we have technology today that gives us the ability to sit down and look up the answers.


The one area that was located inside is set up with dioramas of Castle Clinton so that you have the ability to see the transformations it has gone through over the years.  This is where we found a majority of the answers for pages 7 and 10.  The history of the building and all it has been used for was astonishing.  Technically by right it was the first Ellis Island for our country and yet somehow we never hear much about it during our Nation's history.


As we wandered around Castle Clinton Monument completing our junior ranger book we noticed out the corner of our eye that a group of men dressed in colonial day attire had arrived.  Sparking our interest we walked over to admire their amazing attire.  It was at this time we came to find out that they were going to be re-enacting a colonial band by performing patriotic songs in spirit of the Fourth of July holiday.  After studying the history of the Fourth of July prior to our visit this was an exciting opportunity for us.  To not only read, listen and discuss but now to actually see what it was like in the past to witness a colonial band playing such patriotic music was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.


In the end Jaxon was very excited to receive his Junior Ranger Badge and Patch.  When we come across a location that has the opportunity to collect a patch it makes the experience extra special.  


Clinton Castle National Monument is an under appreciated National Monument that is sadly shadowed by the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Islands who have taken over the gift shop, ticket stands and will call in the center.  I highly recommend taking the time to visit the location next time you are in New York.