
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Junior Ranger Program by Stacey Almason


Previous to arriving I printed the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Junior Ranger Program to give us a head start on our Exploration Notebook.  To earn your Junior Ranger Badge you must complete the same amount of pages as your age, in addition to visiting the touch table and being able to list three items you saw to a Ranger.  Let me just start off by saying this is a twenty-three page book that goes into a lot of detail for a younger child it is overwhelming.  Even though it is not required to complete the entire book since we are utilizing the Junior Ranger book as curriculum we usually try to attempt to complete the entire book.  So that Jaxon would not get discouraged we broke this book up into three sections.  Prior to our visit we were able to pull out, discuss and complete ahead of time pages 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20 and 22.  These pages included activities such as puzzle solving, crossword puzzles, we discussed our ancestors, where the Sonoran Desert is located, explored pottery and mazes just to name a few.  This gave us a great opportunity to lay a strong foundation and have an idea of what to expect upon our arrival.  We also included the wonderful pop up book Ancient Dwellings of the Southwest, which was a great conclusion to our trip since it contained a great deal of the locations we had previously visited .  Since this location was the first United States archeological preserve a great majority of the Junior Ranger book is teaching the children how to investigate in the same as an archeologist might.  Prior to entering the National Monument we read all of our safety tips for exploration on page three, and followed by reviewing the map and guide of the location on page four so that we knew where everything was located. 


As we were driving down the small country road we were able to see the towering Casa Grande Ruins in the distance.   It was like nothing we had experienced on our entire trip and immediately our bodies filled with excitement as we pulled into the gate.  No picture could be taken to explain the presence you feel when standing next to the ruins. 


Immediately following our arrival we walked the gardens located directly in front of the visitors center locating each plant and matching their names before proceeding into the museum.  


We then made our way to the theater to watch the film Case Grande: House of Many Stories.  This was a great film to help tell the story of Casa Grande and the people of its past.


During our exploration of the National Monument we carried with us the below scavenger hunt for animals unfortunately we had arrived in the heat of the day and only saw lizards during our visit.


When exploring the Ancestral Sonoran Desert homes I read Jaxon the plaques in front of each home along with the year.  Take note that the dates stated on each plaque actually have nothing to do with placing the houses in order from oldest to newest.  Due to this we got the entire page incorrect.


As you enter the museum on your left you will find a plaque that discusses the native language of the ancient Sonoran Desert people.  This plaque gave us the ability to complete page fourteen completely.


The displays within museum were fantastic and extremely well done which I somehow was overwhelmed and did not capture.  The last page we completed inside the museum was exploring trade clues on page seventeen.  This took some time as we went through the large exhibit discussing each item that they grew and had access to.  Then turned towards the discussion of what trade was and how it worked and then onto some of the items they might have traded.  Since we had not discussed this previously it took us a little bit of time to learn on site.  


After exploring outside we returned to the museum to locate yet another awe inspiring exhibit which incased a model of how the ruins might have looked in the beginning.  We then completed page eighteen of our Junior Ranger packet.


The location was a wonderful experience opening up subjects of exploration, history and preservation.  It was almost as if it was meant to be after a long trip of learning so much history it ended at a location that's main purpose was to explore ruins discovering stories of the past and how to preserve it for generations to come.


Navajo Interactive Museum by Stacey Almason

Since the next leg of our trip is all about Native Americans our first stop was to explore the Navajo Interactive Museum.  Since there was not a lot of information online I was not sure what to expect when we arrived.  While planning our visit I found the workbook by Evan-Moor History Pockets Native Americans,  it contains nine different tribes within the book including the Navajo of the Southwest.  The activities within this book are very short but cover a lot of topics that lay a great foundation to build on for future lessons.  When we arrived we were asked if Jaxon wanted to be a detective during his visit and of course that sparked his interest immediately.  We were then escorted to a theater where we watched a short video on the Navajo Indians and their beliefs on how they entered through four worlds before settling here.  It was a great introduction for Jaxon to understand their spiritual beliefs.


As we entered the museum we were overwhelmed with the well placed displays all set up in one large circle.  We were in such awe at the exhibits we were not sure where to begin.  As we did not want to miss one single thing it was wonderful to have the worksheet to guide us.  We began our journey in the center of the museum where there was a Hogan set up that you could enter.  This gave Jaxon a great opportunity to see what life might have been like to live in one as a family.  


Inside the Hogan was another short film showing how the Navajo Indians wove their beautiful rugs from start to finish.  This was an amazing new concept to Jaxon and I wanted to make sure he could appreciate how much hard work went into making these gorgeous rugs so following our visit we read the book The Goat in the Rug by Geraldine.  This book begins with a two page spread showing all of the tools that are needed to craft a rug and then tells the story of a Navajo Weaver named Glee 'Nasbah.  I highly recommend this book as it is a wonderful addition to the study of the Navajo rug making.


Upon our exit of the Hogan we found a small table where we made ourselves comfortable to begin answering the questions on the museum of mystery adventure.  


Located through out the exhibit there are signs perfectly placed as pictured below giving you clues to the answers to complete your mysteries of the museum.


Upon leaving the museum Jaxon turned in his page and got a prize for completing the entire expedition.  


Once we arrived at the hotel that evening we followed up by reading A True Book The Navajo by Andrew Santella and by completing the workbook projects for The Navajo of the Southwest located in the Native American history pockets.

Bright Angel Cabin by Stacey Almason

Our last night in the park was at Bright Angel Cabins.  We booked a Rim Cabin and the view from our cabin was just one of the many reasons it quickly became our favorite accommodations the entire trip.  We all completely agreed that when we return we will stay here the entire time.  In addition to an amazing view the cabins gave Jaxon some extra space to wander independently outside, rather than being trapped inside a hotel room for the night.


Our cabin had two entrances a main door that was connected to a boardwalk which led to a row of other cabins and an independent door that lead to the canyon view side of the cabin.  All I needed was a chair and a glass of wine and I would have never left the canyon view in the evening.  Unfortunately they do not provide chairs outside but next time I will remember to bring my own.  


The room was a little tight but organized correctly made for the perfect fit for us when we included the outdoor space where Jaxon spent the majority of his time.  The bed was a double and we did have the option to bring in a rollaway bed which we declined so not to take up the little space we had available.


I woke up in the middle of the night and looked out of our window at a sky filled with stars.  Something I forgot was so beautiful, as adults we are so busy that we never take the time to stop and look up at the night sky.  Next time we return I will be planning less early morning adventures and more late night star exploring.


Our cabin was located right across from the Lookout Studio and was in close proximity to the main Bright Angel Lodge.  The Bright Angel Lodge houses two restaurants and our ultimate favorite was the ice cream shop which we visited on numerous occasions.


Upon our day of check out the most amazing thing happened.  I was standing in front of our cabin waiting for the bellman to pick up our luggage.  As I walked out to gaze out over the south rim one last time before departing I looked up to see the most graceful gliding creature I had ever seen, the California Condor. We had spent our entire Earth Day curriculum studying their conservation and it had been on my personal list of things to experience ever since we had learned about these amazing creatures. I am not a birdwatcher by nature but I stood there for a good ten minutes just watching the pair glide over the Grand Canyon winds enjoying themselves.  It had made for the most surreal ending to an amazing trip.

Grand Canyon South Rim by Stacey Almason

Unless you have visited the Grand Canyon I cannot put into words the excitement and beauty the canyon holds when you gaze out across the rim.  This trip we are exploring the South Rim and all the excitement it has to offer us while completing our South Rim Junior Ranger Program.


One of the many reasons I enjoy traveling to National Parks are the many Park Ranger Programs they have to offer.  We all learn so many new things as we explore the parks along side the rangers, soaking in all of their knowledge of the area.  Below is an example of what is offered during the summer months.  This trip we actually attended almost all the programs listed below with the exception of one or two.


One of our absolute favorite Ranger Programs was the Nature Walk that departed from the Park Headquarters daily during our visit.  We had the pleasure of joining Ranger Ronnie during her two hour exploration of the forest that is in between the park headquarters and the south rim trail.  She was so fantastic that two hours felt like ten minutes and i could have followed her around all day.  


She took us on an exploration of the entire area and the same walk we had made to the Park Headquarters that took ten minutes took two hours making our way back towards the rim trail.  We dissected owl pellets, smelled trees, looked for animal tracks and discussed the different fauna and flora of this elevation.  She held the attention of adults and children the entire nature walk.  It takes a special person to appeal to all generations.  So many times I have attended walks and talks and someone in our group was lost or overwhelmed with boredom.  This was not the case on this adventure to the rim.  If I ever return I will seek out any Ranger Programs she might be leading and return daily just to soak up the knowledge she has to share.


The other amazing Ranger Program we attended was the Fossil Walk that took place near Bright Angel Trailhead lead by Ranger Joel Kane.  This upcoming year Jaxon will be studying Rocks, Minerals and Fossils which is a foreign subject in my area of knowledge.  So when we sat down and Ranger Kane explained the different types of rocks in the simplest definition within the first five minutes I was ecstatic.  Light bulbs were going off the entire time I listened to Ranger Kane as he explained so well I wondered how I had never understood any of these concepts previously.


After deep explanation he led us to an area right next to the trail full of fossils.  From a distance I would have assumed this area was full of boulders not until we stopped and took a closer look did I see all the fascinating fossils from times of earths past.  If I had been making my way up the trail, that runs parallel to Hermit Road right past the Angel Bright Trailhead entrance, I would have walked by unknowingly missing so much history.  This is one of the many reasons I so enjoy attending Ranger Programs they always seem to take you off the beaten path exploring what you would have missed otherwise.


Jaxon could not contain his excitement to actually be hunting for fossils on his own and not in a excavation kit he had purchased at the local education store.  This was so much more to be outside exploring as if he himself was a Paleontologist on a search to answer questions from the unknown.


Located a short walk from El Tovar is the Hopi House.  The Hopi House was designed by Mary Colter and is famous for it's architecture.  While I found it be a beautiful building I found it much more interesting to walk around inside and gaze at all the amazingly crafted Native American arts and crafts for purchase.  


As we explored the Native American crafts inside the Hopi House it was solely by chance that a poster caught my eye displaying scheduled performance times for a Navajo Native American Dance Troup for 1:00 pm that day.  I was so excited to have Jaxon experience his first actual authentic native american dance it would completely set the stage for our next adventure further east through Navajo Nation.  Jaxon was in complete awe over the entire experience and just continued asking if they were real.  It is such a great feeling as a mother for you to see your child experience something that will change how they look at the world and history of our country.  


As we rushed down the Trail of Time to make it to the Ranger Program that was taking place at the Yavapai Geology Museum we actually ran right past a grazing elk and had to double take as we stopped for a brief second to take in her beauty before continuing our journey.


Once we began to venture away from the village we found ourselves at the Tusayan Museum and Ruins.  This would be our first official introduction to Native American ruins on our journey across the southwest.  We arrived early with great excitement and anticipation. 


As we made our way to the museum it happened to be the perfect introduction to the tribes we would later learn more about.  In the museum a single glass display case gave visitors the opportunity to observe pictures along with items that represented each individual tribe.


While at the Grand Canyon we learned repeatedly about the split twig figures you see above.  It is thought that they were once children's toys.  They were found by archeologists in caves that date back between 2000 to 4000 years old.  We were lucky enough to find a kit showing Jaxon how the children of the ancient civilizations had made them.  When we returned home and were reviewing and discussing our adventures discovering the history of the Grand Canyon we sat down and took the opportunity to create a couple together.


By the time we were done touring the museum the Tusayan Ruins Ranger led program was just about to begin.  The program took us on a journey through the Tusayan Ruin walk trail which lays a great introduction to the Ancient Puebloan People and how they might have lived long ago.  It guides you through the farm area introducing you to the three sisters, the different storage areas used to store their food after harvesting, the living areas they shared with their families and two Kivas.  


Almost everything we had just learned was new to us.  I had studied Native Americans but not at this depth.   Until this trip I had never heard of the three sisters, or a Kiva.  This is one of the many reasons I love the decision we made to embark on an education based on experience.  To have the opportunity for Jaxon to learn from so many different subject from knowledgeable people is a great gift.


Our last stop prior to exiting the park was the Desert View watchtower.  Perched on the rim of the canyon stood an amazing piece of history which I would have completely passed if it was not for a flyer catching my eye discussing a Cultural Demonstration series featuring a Hopi Potter and Painter.  This perked my interest as we made our journey to the watchtower to embark on a cultural experience.


Upon our arrival Jaxon was drawn to Bobby Silas the Hopi Potter and Painter who was demonstrating his tribes techniques and had no problem discussing and sharing with my son the culture and history he had learned to perfect through the years.  He was such a compassionate person to give my son the attention he did and took the time to explain and teach Jaxon all the techniques and ways of his tribe.  As we left with new knowledge of the Hopi Tribe we left an amazing awe inspiring experience as we pulled away from the Grand Canyon we all felt a small piece of sorrow.  


El Tovar by Stacey Almason

No trip to the South Rim village would be complete without spending sometime at the ionic El Tovar Hotel.  We were lucky enough to be able to stay one night at the hotel and explore it inside and out.  This hotel is located directly on the south rim of the Grand Canyon and has been seen in famous photographs and movies for decades.  Such as, the National Lampoon's Vacation during their visit to the Grand Canyon. Once you arrive the hotel does have bell service to assist you with your luggage.  They will even store your luggage and deliver it directly to your room, without you being present so that when you finally end your day of adventure your luggage is waiting for you.  However, El Tovar does not have it's own parking lot so we arrived early an were able to find close parking.  I have to note once we found close parking we never moved our truck the entire time we stayed in the village out of fear that we would lose our parking spot.  The hotel had easy access to the El Tovar dining room located in the hotel lobby.  Along with a comfortable lounge where we spent one afternoon with Jaxon to escape the heat while we waited for our room to be ready.


We booked a Deluxe King room which was located in the corner of the hotel.  The one thing I would request in the future would be a higher floor room.  We looked out our window to the back porch and at no time did we have any privacy at all.  That being the case we actually kept our curtains closed the entire time we were in our room.  The room was equipped with a Keurig Coffee Maker and a Refrigerator.


Located only steps from our room on the back porch were daily Ranger Programs.  It made for the perfect mid-day break for us.  Jaxon's favorite were the critter chats which I highly recommend for young Junior Rangers.  These talks only lasted about twenty minutes and at the end they would preform a Junior Ranger ceremony for anyone who had completed their Junior Ranger Activity Book.  We utilized this time to run back to our room, grab lunch, change clothes and work on our Junior Ranger Activity Book.  At the same time it also gave us a break from the hot sun as we sat back and relaxed on the porch.


While El Tovar is the most famous hotel in the park I was not as easily impressed and expected a much more grand lodge than what it was in reality.  Yet in my absolute honest opinion nothing within the park could ever compare to the beauty of the canyon.  So while a large part of the Grand Canyon village focuses on architecture and buildings I find myself still choosing locations within the park that give me the capability to gaze across the canyon.  That is a view that cannot be replicated.  So at night when I retreat to my hotel room to take in our adventures of the day I would always choose the hotel room no matter what level of stars, history or architecture it holds that gives me the ability to look out over the canyon just one more time before I retire for the evening.  Eager to see what adventures tomorrow will bring.

Grand Canyon South Rim Junior Ranger Raven Award by Stacey Almason

So I would like to start off by explaining that this National Park has two Junior Ranger Programs, North and South Rim.  Our adventures will only take us to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon this trip.  The Grand Canyon Junior Ranger Booklets are not available online you must pick them up at a ranger station once you arrive inside the park.  Another piece of information is that the South Rim does not provide or have any books for the North Rim Junior Ranger Program, but they do have North Rim badges.  So while you are able to end your North Rim Junior Ranger adventure at the South Rim, you cannot start your adventure here.  We started our visit at The Grand Canyon Visitors Center picked up our book and then proceeded straight to the theater to watch the park film.  During your visit you have to either attend a park ranger program or watch the park film, Grand Canyon: A Journey of Wonder.  We actually did both.  The film was a great introduction and also gave Jaxon a quick history lesson about the park before embarking on our adventure


To begin our journey lets discuss how the program is broken up by ages.  The Grand Canyon Junior Ranger Program is broken into three age groups, you can find listed below, which is also located on the inside of Junior Ranger Activity Book.  We will be walking you through what we did to complete the Raven level designed for ages 4-7 years old.  This is one of the few National Parks that offers a patch for each age group.  This makes it wonderful because I can now return to the Grand Canyon two more times with Jaxon and he will earn a completely new patch still filled with as much excitement as the first.  


As we made our way down the road towards the center of the village Jaxon was able to keep himself busy playing Canyon Bingo.  There is such an abundance of wildlife featured in the park that we completed almost the entire page prior to our arrival during our five minute drive.


There are so many magical views of the canyon I do not feel that I could ever choose a favorite.  No matter what angle I have ever seen it from it's awe inspiring beauty never ceases to amaze me.  To complete this page we choose the Lookout studios for a couple reasons.  Mostly location, it was literally directly in front of our cabin at Bright Angel.  It also had a nice walk down a couple of staircases leading you below the canyon rim giving Jaxon an alternative view.  This excited Jaxon as through out our entire visit to the Grand Canyon he envied all of the visitors who were brave enough to climb over the fence at the south rim trail and perch themselves on rocks for the perfect backdrop to any vacation photo.  Of course, having a mother who is terrified of heights this was never going to happen.  So by descending down the stairs of Lookout studios and allowing him to perch himself on a safe ledge provided by the studio it satisfied his craving of adventure for the day.  Lastly, it was fully equipped with a telescope which Jaxon found extremely fascinating to have the ability to examine each layer of earth down the canyon walls.


Daily between the hours of 11:00 - 3:00 pm located in front of the El Tovar backporch, right on the south rim trail with the most amazing backdrop was a Junior Ranger table.  Set up with brochures, Junior Ranger Booklets and an entire table full of items to explore with a different theme daily.  Jaxon loved exploring the table with the many hands on items they had available for the children.  The volunteers and rangers that were at the table handled the children exceptionally well answering every questions, patiently listening to their current adventures through the park, all while encouraging them to explore the items on the table the entire time.


After we completed our fossil walk we stayed in the area, located right next to the trail view overlook to the right of Hermit Road, to explore and find the perfect rock to study and complete page six of our Junior Ranger book.  It was one of the few areas that had loose rocks we could explore and examine.


During our early arrival for our Nature Walk with Ranger Ronnie we explored the Grand Canyon Head Office and found the most amazing blocks that went perfectly with the Stratigraphic Column.  The blocks were an exact replica and made completing this page so easy and enjoyable.    Later after our visit I found the Grand Canyon Nesting Blocks to purchase so that we could continue our education after we returned home.


We have taken approximately a dozen junior ranger oaths since our recent endeavor into our National Park adventures.  By far may I say this was the most beautiful backdrop for any Junior Ranger ceremony.  The access that gives the rangers the ability to perform such a special ceremony for each junior ranger is amazing.  The crowds near by cheer on the children giving them such a feeling of pride and accomplishment for all of their hard work in completing their ranger books through out the park.  I personally have not come across any other National Park yet that is able to hold such a powerful display of achievement for the children by not only the park rangers encouragementthemselves but also the by-standers observing the ceremony taking place.  


The Grand Hotel at the Grand Canyon by Stacey Almason

Since we booked our trip to the Grand Canyon so late we ended up staying outside the park for a couple nights.  The Grand at the Grand Canyon is located right outside the South Rim gate in a town called Tusayan.  The hotel was highly recommended and rated one of the only three star hotels in the area.  The bellman was absolutely fantastic and did not complain once about our two carts full of luggage.  The Grand was located right next to a bus service that we could conveniently take directly into the Grand Canyon Village if we chose to.  


As you entered the lobby of the Grand Hotel you felt as if you had been transported to a wilderness hunting lodge deep in the forest.  As the piano music serenades you to relax and enjoy your evening without having to leave the comfort of your hotel.  The fireplace would be the perfect place to cozy up to during cold winter months with a nice hot cup of cocoa.  The walls are filled with trophies of all the native animals you would expect to see in a hunting lodge to show of the accomplishments of the hunter.


We booked a standard two queen beds for our stay and were extremely comfortable.  Each room was equipped with a wet bar including a refrigerator, microwave and keurig coffeemaker. The rooms had a nice spacious balcony so after we got Jaxon settled in bed for the night we were able sit and relax on the balcony.


During our stay I happened to glance out our patio and saw the amazing sight of elk grazing in our parking lot.  Jax's and I rushed outside in our pajamas like crazy tourist to take pictures and just observe in pure enjoyment their beauty.


The hotel is one of the few in the area with an indoor pool to enjoy after a long day of hiking in the area.


Jaxon always seems to find a small sanctuary for himself no matter where we visit.  Here it happened to be our porch where he could work on his Junior Ranger program while we packed up for our next adventure.  

Bearizona Wildlife Park by Stacey Almason

After a long drive across Arizona this was the perfect stop to stretch our legs and explore before heading to our hotel for the evening.  We weren't sure what to expect only that it had been recommended to us by a friend.  When we arrived at Bearizona Wildlife Park we were greeted at the drive through window by an amazing employee, with who we communicated that we would like to begin our adventure at the Wild Ride bus tour.  At this time she got on her walkie talkie and asked the bus to wait for us.  To find customer service of this level now days is unheard of so anytime I experience it I have to praise them.


The Wild Ride follows the same path as the drive-through area you can take with your own car.  So if you are uncomfortable driving your own vehicle through you can hop on the Wild Ride and sit back and relax.  There are a couple of advantages you get by taking the Wild Ride.  The entire ride includes an educational tour by one of the parks employees which gives you a great orientation to the entire park.  I found the best part of taking the Wild Ride is that I could take pictures of all of the animals through an open window.  When you drive your own car through your windows must be closed for a large amount of time.  The Wild Ride is also included in your admission to the park so it really all depends on how much time you have to spend in the park.


Our Wild Ride ended just in time for us to hurry over and catch the Raptor Free Flight Program.  As we have seem dozens of Raptor shows in the past I was not too excited about this part of our visit.  Jaxon chose the very last row in the back because he wanted to be able to see the raptors fly over our heads.  As we sat there and they repeatedly explained the safety rules for attending the show.  I was not prepared for our next experience as we listened and watched a Harrison Hawk take flight and head directly for our heads I actually ducked out of pure reaction.  It was an amazing show and my personal favorite moment of our entire visit.


We then walked the remainder of the park on paved paths that took us past a wide range of different animals from the area.  The animals were some of the most active I have ever seen even during my early morning visits to our local zoos.


As we strolled through the path we came to a large building that housed a gift shop and a well themed restaurant that I wish we had saved our appetite for.  The only picture I took is below, and it does not do the area justice.  We quickly passed through on our way to the outside patio that over looked the jaguar exhibit.  If I ever have the opportunity to return I will plan to spend a leisurely lunch or dinner here enjoying the atmosphere.


As we were exiting the restaurant area Jaxon caught an exciting opportunity out of the corner of his eye.  A women was walking around conducting a meet and greet with a resident Bearded Dragon.  For children to have the opportunities to meet animals up close, see all the details they would otherwise miss in the wild and ask questions about the animal is such an educational experience.  Not having to fight for a spot near a stage just to be lost in the crowd is so much more meaningful to a young child.  I truly wish more wildlife locations would incorporate this in their visits.


Once we returned to our car we decided to take the scenic route and drive the entire wildlife park in our own vehicle.  After taking the wild ride it just was not as exciting as I expected.  As you drive through the animals are separated by fences and gates.  Periodically throughout the drive they have stations set up for employees to be able to monitor the situation and make sure all the guests are following the rules.  The one advantage to driving your own vehicle is you are able to stop inside some of the enclosures to watch the wildlife.  As the bears are extremely active and mischievous you are not able to stop but must constantly be driving forward within their enclosures.


We have been to a couple drive through wildlife parks during road trips and by far this location had the most variety of activities offered.  It was a nice combination to be able to take a bus tour, catch a show and stretch our legs all in one location.  The animals were extremely active even in the afternoon sun which was wonderful.  So many times I find myself at a zoo in the afternoon wondering why I didn't come first thing in the morning so that I could actually see the animals and not another empty exhibit.  After a long drive this truly was our oasis waiting to entertain our tired minds.