New Mexico

Holiday Inn Express Silver City by Stacey Almason

During our vist to Gila Cliff Dwellings we choose to stay at the Holiday Inn Express soley based upon the highly rated reviews on their cleanliness and good complimentary breakfast.  After our long day exploring Gila Cliff Dwellings we were all extremely eager to arrive at our hotel.  Upon arrival we entered the lobby to an extremely clean and well kept location with a very small business center off to the corner.


I personally was drawn to the amazing Native American painting that hung on the wall adjacent to the front desk.


We had booked a one King Bed Suite Non-Smoking.  


The room included a sitting area, Keurig coffee pot, microwave and small refrigerator all housed in a small wet bar area for us to prepare our own meals for the evening.


When tired from a long day of exploring it is always nice to end your day in a clean room that is comfortable enough to spread out while everyone cleans up and relaxes their tired feet for the evening.  The Holiday Inn Express in Silver City gives you just that.  Feeling fully rejuvenated when we woke up the next morning we made our way downstairs to make a selection from their great breakfast options.  Soon after we were on our way to our next adventure.

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument by Stacey Almason

To reach Gila Cliff Dwellings you have to travel on the Trail of the Mountain Spirits National Scenic Byway.  This journey is not for the weak hearted.  The road is not recommended during the winter months as they do not plow the road on weekends.  It is extremely narrow and windy at times.  It took us two hours to reach the National Monument leaving from Silver City and traveling only 30 miles.  The Mountain Spirits National Scenic Byway holds a lot of history, yet our only goal this trip was Gila Cliff Dwelling National Monument.  We were told they are one of the few cliff dwellings left in the United States where you can climb inside.  Particularly due to the fact that they have very few visitors daily.  I would assume this is the case solely due to the treacherous scenic byway which is the only way in and out.  


I printed our Junior Ranger Book for Gila Cliff Dwellings ahead of time so that I could plan our day in the Park.  If you would rather pick up your Junior Ranger Book at the Visitors Center you will actually drive past the entrance of the Cliff Dwelling to the location of the visitors center and then backtrack to enter the park.  The visitors center also has restrooms, a small museum area and a gift shop.  The long drive to the National Monument gave us the opportunity to discuss what to expect and complete pages 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13 prior to our arrival.  These pages covered a wide range of topics such as, habitat, the Mogollon's native language, the wide range of settlers to the area during different courses in time, and what rules to follow while visiting the National Monument.  To become a Junior Ranger at Gila Cliff Dwellings you must visit the Cliff Dwellings, explore the museum, and complete all the activities that feature a Ranger Hat symbol as seen here.  


As we were intent on making the only ranger guided tour offered daily we did not spend much time in the museum area.  The tour begins at the cliff dwellings, approximately one-half mile from the beginning of the trailhead this may not sound like much, but when you are in a hurry, in the heat of the day it feels a lot longer then you think.  As we entered the beginning of the trailhead a ranger was standing at the entrance reviewing the rules with each and every visitor prior to them making their way up to the dwellings.  The entire hike is a one mile loop divided into the lower trail and upper trail.  The lower trail is shaded and fairly easy.  We did not end up taking the upper trail due to the fact that while we were in the caves a thunderstorm moved in and it was no longer safe to take.


Once we arrived Ranger Nancy led us through each dwelling helping us imagine what it might have been like to live up high in the cliff dwellings.  The tour was a wealth of information and really helped us picture life as an Ancient Puebloans of the Mogollon area and the struggles they might have encountered.  


To be able to see up close each artifact pictured in the Junior Ranger book was truly an educational experience.  It helped us to understand why and how you knew which room was utilized for cooking not just by seeing the grinding stones pictured below in the book but by having the ability to look up and see all the soot that was covering the roof.  Children are naturally curious so if we could inspire them to investigate how or why the wealth of knowledge they are able to absorb is astonishing.


Once the tour had ended we were able to leisurely walk through the dwellings exploring each area in such detail on our own timeline left us the opportunity to complete almost the entire Junior Ranger Book.


In the last cave Jaxon choose to draw a pictograph that had been on the wall.  It was so far in the distance that we could not get a really clear picture of it but if you look real close you can see a faint red paint on the wall located right above the wall on the right.



On our return hike down from the cliff dwellings Jaxon took a seat on a bench to complete page three of his Junior Ranger Book.  This page came extremely easy for him as we were hiking down in the mist of a thunder storm so the sounds of the storm superseded anything else in the area.


As we drove back towards the visitors center we stopped at the Trail of the Past located right next to the Lower Scorpion Campgrounds to complete the page below.  The trail is a very short trail and can be done in less then ten minutes.  


The last page of our Junior Ranger book took us on a journey of reflection on our visit.   Asking us the simplest question, What did this special place mean to you, the people you know, and the people who choose to spend their time protecting it?


MothaPalooza at White Sands National Monument by Stacey Almason

We were extremely fortunate to be visiting White Sand National Monument on the same day as their annual MothaPalooza special event.  This just happened to work out perfectly as Jaxon had two very short lesson plans that needed to be accomplished on moths.  So this grand adventurous nighttime event was going to take the place of some mediocre crafting project that I would have had to most likely dig for on pinterest to accompany two books on moths.  The first of the two studies was when we were directed to read the following book, What's the Difference Between a Butterfly and a Moth?,  after studying Butterflies to be able to understand the difference between them.  


Upon our arrival we were met in the parking lot by an array of educational tables set up for the children to explore.  Each table was fully equipped with different topics all relating to the wildlife at the National Monument.


The most exciting event for myself as a home educator was the table that related to second book that we had to read in order to learn about moths, Night Life of the Yucca, The story of a flower and a moth.  Not only were we able to read about this amazing phenomena, we were given the great opportunity to witness the process first hand. At the Yucca Plant table they had placed a paper, basically a review for us after reading this book, but it explained the unique relationship between the Yucca Plant and the Yucca Moth.  How without each other neither would exist in this world.  The beautiful symbiotic relationship that they have reminds us how so many living things depend upon one another.


Of course Jaxon loved that they were breaking open some of the pods from the Yucca Plant so the children could see where the Yucca Moth larva was living and what they looked like.


Also on site for the preservation of another species of animals was an amazing man who saved bats for a living.  Having him on location discussing the safety of bats gave everyone who attended the opportunity to see the bat up close in a rare vision of him holding and handling the bat seen below in the towel.  Later that night he released a group of bats that he had rehabilitated ealier this year.  


On this evening we had the distinguished pleasure of listening to a lecture by Eric Metzler.  I remember when I attended college and there was always those hand full of teachers everyone fought to get into their courses because they made you want to learn, they challenged your mind in a way no one else had.  I can imagine that Eric Metzler was that teacher.   His passion for moths and all other living things left you wanting to learn more.  This remarkable man came to White Sand National Monument to volunteer his time to study the moths of this area.  In his time here he has unveiled many new species of Moths while learning so much more about existing species.


Following the bat release everyone was welcome to drive in their cars out to the Big Dunes Nature Trail for a moth sheeting event.  A moth sheeting event is where black lights are placed to attract Moths to the sheets for viewing purposes only.  I was so excited about this event for so many reasons.  First when would you ever be able to see moths up close like this ever again.  Second,  when would I ever go walking in the desert sand dunes of New Mexico at night.  The excitement as we exited our car, flashlights in hand was unbelievable.


As we made our way towards the first sheet we began seeing so many exciting insects.   Below you can see a Darkling Beetle and a Walking Stick.  We stopped and observed both these insects for sometime before moving onto new discoveries.


As we came to the second sheet we were able to observe our first moth with a whole new appreciation for these creatures we watched the beauty they hold as they sat under the light with total stillness.


As we approached the top of the dune we found yet another fluorescent light set up against a giant rock formation where we found another handful of giant moths along with some even more exciting creatures.


We had recently studied in depth about animal adaption.  Yet I can honestly say I had never seen in such obvious the color adaption animals make to their environment until we came to white sands.  The lizards, moths, frogs and many other creatures here have adapted to the color of the dunes and appear almost completely white as the sand.  We stayed and watched the frog for a short period in awe of its color and transparency up against the sand dune.


We then heard all kinds of commotion to find that someone had found a scorpion.  As Jaxon's interest took a running start across the dune to the gathering of park rangers all observing the scorpion hunt for its pray under the fluorescent light held by the rangers.


I do not know if I could ever attend an event that will hold as much excitement, knowledge, and great educators as I did that night.  I will however hope and dream of returning another year to attend Mothapalooza.  Next time it might even be the reason for our journey.  

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Stacey Almason

During our visit to White Sands National Monument we decided to stay at the Fairfield Inn & Suites in Alamogordo.  


Located in the lobby was a small business center adjacent to the front desk equipped with computers, printers, high speed internet access, along with a fax machine.  The hotel offered free wifi throughout the hotel.


Once we checked in I wondered over to the market to see what they might have to offer.  The entire area was empty with tags showing me all the great variety and choices I could have if they had been well stocked.


As we made our way to the elevator we passed the indoor pool available to all guests during their stay.


During our stay we booked a kitchen suite.  Meaning our room came with a fully equipped kitchen including a full-sized refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher and twin burner stove.  It was perfect since we had not been able to replenish our kitchen since our stop in Santa Fe.  While we were able to take advantage of a full size refrigerator we found it very difficult to use the small corner stove behind the microwave.  The kitchen claimed to be fully equipped yet when we arrived we found what they considered kitchen supplies all thrown on top of each other in a pile under the sink.  It did not appear to be very clean nor fully stocked.  When we went to pull out some utensils there were only random left overs in the drawer, one fork and two spoons, so we ended up passing on using any of their supplies.


Our room came with a separate living room.  This made for a great escape in the evening for us while Jaxon was tucked into bed we could sit and discuss the adventures we had experienced that day and all the feelings they had brought us.


The room included a king size bed and a television in the separate bedroom for our comfort and Jaxon's enjoyment.


Even though we were unable to utilize the kitchen to it's full potential the room still gave us the space to relax for the evening so that we would be refreshed and ready to go the following morning.  

Junior Dunes Ranger at White Sands National Monument by Stacey Almason

I had really no expectations when we planned our stop at White Sand National Monument.  Once we arrived we found the beauty of the dunes to capture our mind in a stillness I have never experienced.  The wonder and questions I had during our visit are still not completely answered.  White Sand National Monument is one of the most unusual places I have ever visited.  It is one of the few magical places that draws you in and makes you want to return over and over.  Not just for all the questions but for the adventure that lies in the dunes awaiting your discovery.  


Prior to our arrival I downloaded the Junior Dunes Ranger Activity Book for the White Sands National Monument giving us the ability to begin completing the required activities needed to earn our patch.  The Junior Dunes Ranger Activity Book is broken into three groups based on age.  We completed the entire Lizard activities within the book.  Located at the top of each page you will find the symbols that are required to complete that page in order to receive their Junior Ranger certificate, badge or patch and become a Junior Dunes Ranger.


Prior to arriving at the monument we completed the Desert Safety page discussing the importance of packing properly for a desert hike.  For this discussion we were able to complete both pages even though it was not required of his level I felt he really needed to understand how to prepare for the desert heat.  We also reviewed Nature Manners discussing how to respect the park and other visitors by having good manners.


Upon our arrival we began our journey in the garden located directly in front of the visitor's center.  Then making our way indoors to explore the museum, gift shop and gather information for our day of adventure.  This gave us a great beginning and orientation for what to expect during our visit to White Sand National Monument.  It also brought to our attention the unique geology that exists in the region.  White Sands National Monument is the largest white gypsum dunefield in the entire world and though it is called White Sands it is actually crystals that cover the miles and miles of breathtaking landscape.


Once we headed out on our journey to the dunes we had Jaxon fully equipped with a clipboard to begin his Scavenger Hunt completing two pages of our junior ranger program in the process.


The most exciting discovery we made was observing the lizards of White Sand National Monument.  A large majority of animals that live in the dunes have adapted overtime and shimmer white to match the gypsum dunes they inhabit.  We sat and observed the lizard above as he dug himself a burrow to escape the heat of the midday hot sun.


When we made our way farther into the dunes it appeared to be miles and miles of untouched land as the untouched ripples invited you to come explore.


After our visit to the Monument and learning so much about the Soap Tree Yucca I have now come to admire their beauty from a distance growing wild in the interdune area. I am fascinated that they hold such a beautiful symbiotic relationship with the Yucca Moths.  


During the heat of the day with temperatures reaching at least 100 degrees we imagined the sand to be scorching hot.  Yet when we got out to explore the area next to the trailhead we found the sand was cold to the touch we were actually able to walk barefoot through it during our adventures and not be affected at all.


When choosing a hike we choose the Interdune Boardwalk since it incorporated many different educational exhibits along the way.  


Half way down the platform are seats to sit and observe the natural surroundings.  Taking in the stillness of the dunes, watching for any wildlife that might be out braving the heat of the day, and having the ability to take your time in the shade and read through all the wonderful educational exhibits about the Monument.


After completing our hike we raced back to the courtyard at the visitors center to attend Skins & Skulls in hopes to learn about all the animals of White Sands National Monument.  We did not realize that this Ranger Program was just a table set up to explore at your own pace.  So since we had completed exploring the table within five minutes we decided to interview Ranger Emily to complete our Meet the Ranger page located in our Junior Ranger Book.


After completing the required pages and receiving our patch the fun began.  It was time to go sand sledding!  We headed to the top of the dunes and enjoyed sand sledding for our first time.  It was as if we had all the dunes to ourselves.  When we reached the top as far as our eyes could see were rolling hills of white. 


White Sand National Monument is a great natural wonder of this earth and I am so glad that we discovered it during our travels.  I sometimes wonder what attracts people to specific National Parks.  Why do we all flock to Yosemite, Yellowstone or Grand Canyon?  Why do so many of us overlook such grand adventures as White Sands National Monument.  

Rodeway Inn White City, NM by Stacey Almason

During our visit to Carlsbad Caverns National Park we wanted to stay closest to the National Park as possible since we would be attending the Bat Flight Program that ended at sunset.  The Rodeway Inn is the only hotel that is located at the entrance to the Park all the other hotels in the area are at the least 18 miles away.


Our only disappointment at this location was that we didn't have enough time to explore their awesome waterpark located on property.


We booked a two queen bed non smoking room for the evening.  Since this is an older hotel the rooms were giant at no time did I feel like I was confined to a standard room.  I have actually stayed in Suites that were more confining then the room we had.  Which was a great luxury to have as our stay was brief and quick with a lot that had to get accomplished very quickly during our coming and going.


The hotel guest room was extremely well kept and clean.  It was fully equipped with an iron, ironing board, TV, coffee maker, microwave, and a small fridge with freezer.


Prior to our departure in the morning we were able to enjoy a complimentary breakfast we picked up in the lobby as we ran out the door to continue on our adventures.  The unique part of this breakfast was that they offered juice in a box so that I was not concerned about Jaxon spilling a small unstable cup in the truck.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park Junior Ranger by Stacey Almason

During our study of Bats last Halloween we completed the first of two Primary Thematic Units on Bats.  The first Thematic Unit was focused on the book Stellaluna.  This was a fantastic introduction for children to the world of bats as it compares bats to birds.  It shares the similarities and differences and through the thematic unit we learned that bats are actually mammals not birds. When I read through our second thematic unit it included a great deal of discussion on Carlsbad Caverns and exploring the bats that lived there.  When planning our road trip through New Mexico I was excited to have the opportunity to complete our Bat study by observing Carlsbad Caverns Bat flight program.  It is such an amazing feeling to be able to take what you read in a book and have it come to life right in front of your eyes.  


It turned out that Carlsbad Carverns had so much more to offer than just a bat study.  Prior to our visit I downloaded and printed the Carlsbad Caverns Junior Ranger Book for ages 7-12 so that we could lay a strong foundation for our visit.  To become a Junior Ranger at this park you must complete 7 out of the 14 activities listed on the first page.  Since we have been studying bats prior to our visit I was able to incorporate pages 2, 5, 9, 10 and 11 into our daily work.  This told us the story of the Carlsbad Caverns, gave us a list of vocabulary words to prepare us for our visit, taught us about the habitat surrounding the caverns and what rules to follow during our visit.  Once we arrived we proceeded straight to the counter located to the right of the entrance to pay $5.00 a person to enjoy the children's audio tour that is offered.


Prior to descending down the trail we stopped at the gift shop located in the visitors center and picked up an explorer helmet for Jaxon.  This ended up being the perfect purchase.  As we climbed deeper and deeper into the cave it grew darker and darker.  At times there was very little light to guide our way.  This helped settle Jaxon's nerves about being on an adventure in a dark cave.  It did not settle our nerves as everytime he would turn to speak to us he would absolutely blind us with a stream of bright light.


I cannot express enough how amazing the childrens audio tour is.  The story is told by a young bat who lives in Carlsbad Caverns.  He takes you on a journey of exploration as you descend the 750 feet into the earth to learn about the Caverns he calls home.  He entertains your every moment as he leads you through the twists and turns of the 1.5 mile Natural Entrance Trail.  


To keep Jaxon busy during the entire walk we carried the Cave Scavenger Hunt.  It helped him locate and learn about all the different cave formations he saw on his adventure.


Once we reached the bottom we came to a cross in the road if we turned right we embarked on a whole new journey through the Big Room which is also included on our audio tour but not required to complete the Junior Ranger Program.  If we turned left we ended up in an area that provided restrooms, elevators escorting visitors back to the Visitors Center and a small cafe with table, chairs and souvenirs for purchase.  Since we were on such limited time we ended our audio tour here and proceeded to the cafe area.  Due to the extreme drop in temperature and an ill prepared mother Jaxon was cold so we purchased him a sweater and used the restroom then making ourselves comfortable at a table to work on our Junior Ranger book before making the journey back up to the surface.


I would make sure to leave a good amount of time to return by elevator, as the line was quite lengthy and took a good thirty minutes to reach the elevators.


Once we returned to the visitors center we joined Ranger Leah as she presented an amazing slide show called Batty for Bats! Learning all the basics of the bats of Carlsbad Caverns with her extreme enthusiasm made for an entertaining program.  Ranger Leah has a long history of working with young children and it truly showed as she entertained and dazzled Jaxon with her stories of bats full of facts.  


Since Ranger Leah worked so well with children we took this opportunity to complete page six of our Junior Ranger book "Ask a Ranger".


After leaving Leah we took a short half mile walk through the Nature Trail exploring all the different plants of the Chihuahaun Desert as we completed page 7 of our junior ranger program.  This was our first visit to the Chihuahan Desert and the start of our exciting desert habitat study.  


The half mile trail quickly became exciting as we began discovering centipedes and millipedes along the way. 


Once we completed the short loop we headed back inside to join Ranger Nikki for her program Discover the Night Sky.  This ranger program was directed to an older audience than Jaxon could comprehend but I as a parent found it very informative as her entire talk revolved around a book she had read as a child.  Find the Constellations is a great book that I am truly excited to incorporate into our curriculum.  The book is a wonderful beginning guide into the grand world of constellations.  It takes the child on a journey to discover the constellations in the nights sky. Once you hunt the night sky looking for the constellation you are able to turn the page then revealing the location of the constellation.  I find it to be a fun interactive book that entertains while you learn something new.  I strongly feel that exposing our children to concepts and words during their childhood help them to recognize the same concepts later during their education.  So maybe Jaxon did no fully understand anything during this Ranger Program but surely the next time he is learning about constellations he will at least remember the general notion.


Following the program we had the great pleasure of having Ranger Nikki present us with our badge prior to running off to the next Ranger Program.


The next ranger program was directed at a much younger age group.  As we wandered into the room we met Ranger Lindsay a seasoned Ranger of many National Park Deserts.  She would be leading us today through "Who Lives in the Desert?".  We eagerly listened to Ranger Lindsay read us stories of the Chihauhuan Desert and the many creatures that reside there.  


Finally the grand finale.  The whole reason we had made the journey south to Carlsbad Caverns was finally here. We all hurried to the amphitheater to find the best seats for our last program of the day The Bat Flight Program.  We took a seat and listened carefully to the rules.  Unfortunately the number one rule is no photographs.  So I cannot share with you a visual of how I felt as the bats took flight over our heads making their nightly journey out into the sunset to find food.  Watching a sunset alone is a moment that is breathtaking but adding hundreds of thousands of bats flying into the sunset as they take flutter past you into the nights sky is a majestic sight.  If everyone remains silent you can hear them and if your lucky they will soar directly above you.  This is an amazing site I would definitely recommend as I hope to return again one day to feel this breathtaking moment once more.


The Stables at Tamaya by Stacey Almason

Jaxon had always had a love for horses even when his only time to ride was in Griffith Park at the pony rides.  He has always asked to ride more but there are little opportunities for him to do so at his age.  When we arrived at Hyatt Regency Tamaya and realized they had stables on property we were excited until we once again found out the minimum age was seven years old.  I approached the front desk asking if we were able to book a private lesson for Jaxon since he is under the actual trail riding age.  The front desk contacted Tamaya Horse Rehab's owner Connie Collis with my request.  Connie didn't even hesitate to accommodate Jaxon the following day with private lessons.  With great excitement and a little disappointment that we had not brought his wranglers, boots and hat we joined Tamaya Horse Rehab the following day for our first lesson.


During Jaxon's first lesson I found a flyer in the office and while attempting to keep myself occupied while he rode I began to read the story behind Tamaya Stables.  Below is the actual flyer telling the struggles of horses needing help through out New Mexico.  During our visit I met many volunteers helping care for these horses.  It was truly inspiring and if I lived closer I would have probably volunteered my time to help care for these amazing animals in need of help. 


Upon our arrival we met Starlight the horse he would be riding.  Starlight had kind eyes and a loving heart but just enough spunk and mind of her own to keep Jaxon on his toes so he would never be bored.  We also met Jasmine at this time an amazing teacher who was stern enough to keep Jaxon in line but compassionate enough that he felt completely comfortable and wanted to return daily.  If we lived in New Mexico I guarantee we would never be leaving the Tamaya Horse Rehab and Jaxon would have most likely become their youngest volunteer.  


His first day of lessons included him learning how to mount, how to balance and control his body , how to stop and steer the horse and the most important lesson learned at the end of the day is how to show your horse love and appreciation through praise and care.


We returned the following day to spend the day doing obstacle courses that Jasmine had set up.  The activities forced Jaxon to steer the horse while completing a different activity with his arms.  Below you can see him steering Starlight towards the fence as he had to grab the rubber chickens all in a row, collecting them to return to Jasmine.


When we arrived on our last day Jasmine had a surprise waiting for Jaxon.  She had decided he was ready to go on a Trail Ride with everyone else.  To capture the look of excitement and joy on Jaxon's face would never be possible.  He couldn't believe his ears as he climbed up onto Starlight and followed Jasmine out of the stables on his first Trail Ride grinning from ear to ear.  


Jaxon's journey to the Rio Grande was the perfect ending to an absolutely amazing experience that could never be repeated nor could he have asked for more.  It saddened me as I watched him struggle to find the words to say goodbye.  


Sometimes in life it is not always about the journey but who we meet along the way.  Who we need in our life at that time and what they bring to us as friends, companions, teachers and human beings.   On this trip Jaxon needed to explore new passions and in the hands of Starlight and Jasmine he found not only a new passion but friends.   Friends he hopes he can return to and see again and again through out his life.  Yet if for some reason he cannot, knowing the impact that they both made on his life is something that no other person could ever repeat and they will forever hold a place in his heart.

Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa by Stacey Almason

Last year we began Jaxon's Thematic Unit study on Native American's by studying the book The legend of Bluebonnet.  This was a great introduction into Native American history. It is such a huge part of our countries history and I truly feel we do not study it enough in our education system.  So this year we embarked on our first Native American road schooling journey while using the excert of the same Thematic Unit by studying Arrow to the Sun a Pueblo Indian tale.


Our entire southwest road trip all started with Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa and the amazing cultural activities they offer for children.  We had heard great reviews about their programs and were extremely excited to finally be able to enjoy the resort while Jaxon learned about native americans through fun and exciting cultural activities.  


As we drove up to the grand entrance we were overwhelmed with excitement for what the future of the next week would hold for us was unknown.  As we turned the corner we looked around in awe of the wonderful architecture that was created to resemble an authentic Native American Pueblo.  One of the many things that make the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa special is that they are located on the Santa Ana Pueblo Indian Reservation. We were then greeted by the amazing valet service who patiently unloaded our truck with my sons help the entire time without ever becoming frustrated. 


As we entered the lobby we were instantly drawn to the grand room just beyond the entrance filled with couches to lounge on while playing games with the family or enjoying a quiet cocktail by the fire with someone special.  As you gazed past the couches full of families enjoying games of chess and uno you could see in the distance rows of cottonwoods shadowed by the enormous Sandia mountains in the distance all framed with perfection by stormy summer skies New Mexico has to offer.


During our stay we decided on a Junior Suite since it would be the focal point of our Native American studies this year we wanted to make sure we had enough room to spread out and do any school work that was necessary during our stay.  


The Junior Suites have a separate living space that comes with an additional restroom and balcony.  Also giving us the option to stay in on the nights when we were all completely exhausted from the days activities.


Our bedroom had two double beds and a balcony that looked over the courtyard.  The room amenities included a coffee maker and refrigerator.  We choose to pay an additional fee daily to have a microwave which sometimes is well worth the money when it makes daily meals with a child just a little bit easier.


When we are in search for a place to stay having a great pool is a a huge contending factor for us.  Jaxon loves to swim and having a waterslide in addition to a standard pool can entertain him for hours.  Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa took the pool experience to a completely higher level by providing the children with poolside entertainment daily.  Each afternoon the recreation team would have a list of activities for the kids to together enjoy by the pool.  We have been to resorts that say this before and it will usually hold my sons attention for about five minutes.  Not Tamaya they have completely out done themselves with daily waterslide races, water balloon throwing contests, water soaking fun and more.  Every afternoon after we had completed all our activities for the day we would make our way down to the pool to all enjoy some relaxation.  Jaxon would immediately check the daily activities calendar and then head to the waterslide anxiously awaiting the next game to start.


The Tamaya also has an adult only pool for those who would like to pass on all the excitement at the family pool.  The Kiva Pool was located right beneath our room so you are able to see it pictured here.


During our Native American curriculum it incorporated a list of different art projects and cultural activities for the children to enjoy including Sand Painting.  This worked great with the resorts Srai Wi activities.  Srai Wi means "my children" in the original language of the Tamayan people.  We took part in almost every activity they had to offer.  The Srai Wi activities are organized by the resorts cultural staff and offered a range of amazing learning experiences for Jaxon.  


Here Jaxon is studying and creating his own Sand Painting which we learned were originally performed only by medicine men during the healing process.  Jaxon actually brought our Arrow to the Sun book for inspiration and created an amazing tile.  This activity is actually suggested for ages 9 and up.  I signed myself up for the activity and then just assisted Jaxon anytime he needed assistance which was actually not often.


Leather Stamping was something Jaxon has experienced previously with his father.  On numerous occasions Jaxon and his father have used leather stamping to personalize items for Christmas gifts.  This time Jaxon had the joy of making something he could take home and surprise his father with.  This is a one hour class with the minimum age being ten.  I can see why they would require a child at age ten for the a huge reason being if the cultural staff had five children and the parents sat by and watched rather then participating it would make for a very difficult activity.


One of my absolute favorite activities offered was the Adobe Brick Making experience.  It was an experience I could never replicate and was so glad he was able to participate in such an amazing cultural activity.  Here the children worked in a group to create just the right mud mixture to each be able to form their own individual adobe brick.   Using the same techniques as the people of the Santa Ana Pueblo have for generations.  For this activity I would highly recommend attending in the beginning of your visit to allow your brick to completely dry out before you leave.  I am in the process of looking for just the right shadow box to display Jaxon's as artwork in my house.  This is a one hour class that is recommended for ages five and up.


One of the more simple activities we took part in was Gourd Painting.  Gourd Painting is a one and half hour activity for ages three and up. This activity gives them the ability to design and paint their own gourd to take home.  Jaxon decided to paint all different types of Native American pictographs on his gourd.


One of the more interesting activities we participated in was the Painted Ponies.  Until we arrived we had no concept of the depth of this activity.  This activity is to educate and recreate on a personal level The Trail of Painted Ponies.  A short version of this story is that the Trail of the Painted Ponies is one of the most successful Public Art projects in history.  This project invited many artists in the Santa Fe area to paint life-size horse sculptures that were then placed through out the entire state of New Mexico to raise money for non-profit organizations.  After being told the story we were then given a small version of the horse sculptures to create our own painted pony.


After learning about the program we had the amazing pleasure to walk the lobby and see the properties own painted pony which had been created by an artist from the Santa Ana Pueblo.


Our next activity brought us back to what we had just learned during our visit to Bandelier National Monument.  During this family experience ages 3 and up are given a very short explanation of what a petroglyph is prior to being given the opportunity to paint a treasure box with your own personal interpretation of petroglyphs.  For us it was a great follow up activity to reiterate what we had just learned only a few days earlier.


Jaxon's artistic interest led us to participate in the adult class Wine and Watercolor.  This class took place on the back porch where students were able to gaze at the towering Sandia Mountains in the distance. They would be the subject the class would be painting.  This class was a new experience for Jaxon as he had never painted with watercolors previously.  The instructor was an amazingly patient woman who taught us all a valuable lesson that day. Everything in watercolor is fixable. 


One of our first mornings at Tamaya we had the grand pleasure of meeting Mary.  For our remainder of our stay we looked forward to turning a corner to see her smiling face.  She always took the time to stop and have a conversation with Jaxon.  So many times in the adult world we are so concerned about pleasing adults we forget about the younger generations that value and learn manners from simple greetings and conversations directed at them.  Just the small amount of time it takes to listen to their adventures of the day makes them feel that much more special.  Mary was our instructor when we learned the ancient Santa Ana tradition of bread making.  The bread making class while fun was a little too simple for the amount of cooking and baking we do at home.  All and all Jaxon had a wonderful time and Mary made it just a little more special as she taught Jaxon to make his bread into shapes before placing it in the traditional Huruna Oven.  


Once you return after an hour Mary is there to great you with your hot bread and if you opted not to take the bread baking class don't worry she will serve you a sample of the hot bread smothered in your choice of amazing flavored butters they have to offer.  Jaxon enjoyed the bread so much we returned each day that Mary was handing out samples of hot bread.  As we enjoyed our bread we sat on the lawn relaxing and enjoying the Native American dancing that would perform on these days.  Towards the end the dance troupe would even invite all the guests up to dance along side of them.  Jaxon found this to be extremely entertaining and fun to be able to join them in their Native traditions.


Something Jaxon had longed to learn was archery.  His excitement when we attended the basics of archery could not be captured in a photo or words. This was an excellent class recommended for ages 9 and up.  The class showed Jaxon that not everything is as easy at it looks.  It took him the entire first class to learn how to shoot the traditional bow properly.  If it had not been for horseback riding he might have returned daily to master this activity. Here we had the great pleasure of meeting Eugena.  She herself hunted as a small girl using archery.  She was astonishing with children.  We actually attended activities hoping she would be there so we could absorb all of her knowledge as we would listen to her tell us stories of growing up on her reservation.  


On the Saturday Evening before our departure we joined Emmett Garcia a Native American author who wrote Coyote and the Sky and Sister Rabbit's Tricks.  As we listened to him tell his stories as all his ancestors had done before we listen with enthusiasm and excitement.  This was the perfect ending to an amazing trip.


This blog entry could go on and on as I have so many wonderful things to say about this property and the people here. With no expectations this resort is one I wish I could recreate in every place I visit.  The property is beautifully done and well kept, the rooms were very comfortable, the pool has everything you could ever want and more.  The Srai Wi Activities help us to understand and experience the Native American culture as it should be by knowledgeable people who want to share with you their traditions.  I wish other resorts could learn from the passion that comes from all the people we have met during this journey.  In todays world I travel so many places and people are there for one simple reason a paycheck.  They don't have passion and it shows during our interactions with them.  The passion that exists at Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa is felt when you walk through the door.  It's not only one person you meet on your adventures at their resort is starts at the valet service when you arrive and continues as you check in at the front desk and spend your days at the pool.  It was one of those vacations that you wish you could revisit year after year.  Yet would it ever be as amazing as the first time you experience it?  I will have to let you know.


Bandelier National Monument Junior Ranger by Stacey Almason

Our exciting journey through the Indian Reservations opened up a whole new educational experience into the Native American culture.  This laid a great foundation for our entire road trip through the southwest.  As we embarked on the next leg of our trip it brought us even further back in history to Bandelier National Monument.  To take an adventure through the Ancient Pueblon history would fulfill a long time dream of my mother's to climb the many ladders to the top of the Alcove House.


We arrived extremely early so that we were able to drive our own vehicle into the park.   Bandolier National Monument is one of the few monuments that during peak season visitors who arrive during operating hours must ride a mandatory shuttle into the park.  Arriving prior to 9:00 am gave us the opportunity to drive our own vehicle into the park and continue our journey on after Bandolier National Monument through the Jemez Mountain Trail.


Bandelier National Monument is the only park I have currently found that has broken it's Junior Ranger Program into four age groups consisting of Pre K to 1st Grade, 2nd Grade to 3rd Grade, 4th Grade to 6th Grade, and Deputy level being 7th Grade and up.  Offering a different patch for each age group makes it exciting for children to return to the park often embarking on a new adventure each time they return.  We downloaded our booklet at home prior to our visit and will be walking you through our journey of Bandolier National Monument for the Pre K to 1st Grade age group. Before we even set out on our adventure we were able to compete pages 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 and 15.  This taught Jaxon how to respect and protect the monument during our visit, what animals live in the surrounding habitat, and what the ruins would have looked like when the Ancestral Puebloans called them home.  


Prior to our departure we picked up a trail guide at the Visitor's Center for $1.00 to guide us through this small piece of amazing human history.  As we began our journey down the main loop Jaxon kept him self entertained by playing Bandelier Bingo.  


It did not take us long to complete as for every corner we turned we were surrounded by wildlife.  


As you turn the corner looking up at the enormous mountain you see in the distance small holes not yet realizing that each one was eloquently carved out by a human being.


 As we took the 1.2 mile trail it led us past an intact Kiva and through what remained of a small village area before descending up the hill to the base of the cliff dwellings.


 When you reach the base of the cliff dwellings you have the opportunity to climb numerous ladders into a number of the homes that still are intact today.  


When we arrived in front of the Long House we sat on the bench to discuss what the difference was between a petroglyph and a pictograph while completing page 9.  This was Jaxon's first encounter with any form of a petroglyph.  It was the beginning to many new petroglyph discoveries along our quest of learning.  He now studies them with ease trying to put meaning behind each individual picture he finds.


Once we completed the leisure walk around the main loop we returned to the visitor center to walk the gardens and learn how the Ancient Publeon people used each plant in their daily lives. 


When we finished we headed back to the Visitor Center to turn in our completed Junior Ranger Book and be rewarded with an amazing Patch showing the accomplishments of our day learning through the Monuments awe inspiring historical site.


After completing our Junior Ranger Program we set out to conquer the Alcove House.  


The Alcove House trail is 2.7 miles long reaching 140 feet above the canyon.  Which can only be reached by the four sets of steep ladders and stone stairs that take you on a journey from terrace to terrace up the mountain.


In the heat of the day we began our climb.  We were extremely relieved by each terrace we reached stopping to catch our breath and drink some water before resuming our climb to the next knowing we were just a little bit closer each time.


Once we reached the Alcove House we felt a great sense of achievement as we looked down below at the people who choose not to take the challenge.  As they wait at the foot of the mountain for their loved ones they appeared to be ants.  Giving us great perspective on how life must have been for the twenty-five people who once occupied the Alcove House.  The climb they choose to make everyday to fetch water, and gather food.  

Homewood Suites Santa Fe - North by Stacey Almason

After a week in the Grand Canyon and making the all day drive to Santa Fe we found the perfect location to refuel, do laundry and replenish our kitchen at the Homewood Suites Santa Fe.  We choose this exact location due to the proximity to Bandolier National Monument which is where our adventure would continue the following day.  It was located a meer 30 miles to the entrance of the National Monument right next door to the Hilton Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder.  The Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder Resort included an onsite Spa and Resort, Casino, four restaurants and a Golf Course all located right next door giving you the option to make a short walk to enjoy the facilities offered.


At the time of arrival the hotel was hosting their nightly evening social.  A majority of roadside hotels now serve hot breakfast, but an evening social with alcoholic beverages was a great surprise at our time of arrival.  This made for a wonderful evening off from cooking a meal. 


When we arrived to our room we found a small bag located on our kitchen table welcoming us to the hotel.  Inside contained two protein bars each attached to a bottle of water with an enclosed welcome letter inviting you to make yourself at home.  


We booked a two queen bed one bedroom casita suite non smoking for our night.  The room was extremely spacious and comfortable.


The fully equipped kitchen included a full-sized refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher and twin burner stove.  The perfect size to spend the evening replenishing our lunch supplies before the next leg of our trip.


While we were at the hotel we took full advantage of the laundry facilities which was kept extremely clean.  The following morning restocked and refreshed we headed downstairs to enjoy a hot breakfast before beginning our next adventure.  During all of our travels we found the Homewood Suites to be one of the only hotels that went above and beyond what was expected.