
The Stables at Tamaya by Stacey Almason

Jaxon had always had a love for horses even when his only time to ride was in Griffith Park at the pony rides.  He has always asked to ride more but there are little opportunities for him to do so at his age.  When we arrived at Hyatt Regency Tamaya and realized they had stables on property we were excited until we once again found out the minimum age was seven years old.  I approached the front desk asking if we were able to book a private lesson for Jaxon since he is under the actual trail riding age.  The front desk contacted Tamaya Horse Rehab's owner Connie Collis with my request.  Connie didn't even hesitate to accommodate Jaxon the following day with private lessons.  With great excitement and a little disappointment that we had not brought his wranglers, boots and hat we joined Tamaya Horse Rehab the following day for our first lesson.


During Jaxon's first lesson I found a flyer in the office and while attempting to keep myself occupied while he rode I began to read the story behind Tamaya Stables.  Below is the actual flyer telling the struggles of horses needing help through out New Mexico.  During our visit I met many volunteers helping care for these horses.  It was truly inspiring and if I lived closer I would have probably volunteered my time to help care for these amazing animals in need of help. 


Upon our arrival we met Starlight the horse he would be riding.  Starlight had kind eyes and a loving heart but just enough spunk and mind of her own to keep Jaxon on his toes so he would never be bored.  We also met Jasmine at this time an amazing teacher who was stern enough to keep Jaxon in line but compassionate enough that he felt completely comfortable and wanted to return daily.  If we lived in New Mexico I guarantee we would never be leaving the Tamaya Horse Rehab and Jaxon would have most likely become their youngest volunteer.  


His first day of lessons included him learning how to mount, how to balance and control his body , how to stop and steer the horse and the most important lesson learned at the end of the day is how to show your horse love and appreciation through praise and care.


We returned the following day to spend the day doing obstacle courses that Jasmine had set up.  The activities forced Jaxon to steer the horse while completing a different activity with his arms.  Below you can see him steering Starlight towards the fence as he had to grab the rubber chickens all in a row, collecting them to return to Jasmine.


When we arrived on our last day Jasmine had a surprise waiting for Jaxon.  She had decided he was ready to go on a Trail Ride with everyone else.  To capture the look of excitement and joy on Jaxon's face would never be possible.  He couldn't believe his ears as he climbed up onto Starlight and followed Jasmine out of the stables on his first Trail Ride grinning from ear to ear.  


Jaxon's journey to the Rio Grande was the perfect ending to an absolutely amazing experience that could never be repeated nor could he have asked for more.  It saddened me as I watched him struggle to find the words to say goodbye.  


Sometimes in life it is not always about the journey but who we meet along the way.  Who we need in our life at that time and what they bring to us as friends, companions, teachers and human beings.   On this trip Jaxon needed to explore new passions and in the hands of Starlight and Jasmine he found not only a new passion but friends.   Friends he hopes he can return to and see again and again through out his life.  Yet if for some reason he cannot, knowing the impact that they both made on his life is something that no other person could ever repeat and they will forever hold a place in his heart.