
What's Cooking, Kids by Stacey Almason

When choosing summer camps this year I let Jaxon choose from what was available at the Walnut Creek Recreation and Center for Community Arts.  In the past I have really enjoyed the variety they have to offer along with the commitment to running well educated classes.  He has always had a passion for cooking and spends a majority of his time in the kitchen with his nana.  So I was not surprised when he decided to take cooking.  Nor was I going to discourage him when I found out that they taught him how to measure out ingredients during this one week camp.  We had touched base on it during our school year but he had not fully caught on to the concept so I welcomed any assistance in this area.  When we arrived on the first day his teacher was well prepared with letters for all of us to take home and examples of all the recipes they would be cooking during the week at camp.


Mrs. Josephine Evonc was an amazing teacher and if she offered a class every semester we would be there!  


Each day the kids would grab an apron and a hat that was designated to them for the entire week and get to work on their daily creations.  All the recipes she included were very basic, some even took me back to memories of my own childhood cooking experiences.


Mrs. Josephine Evonc succeeded in teaching Jaxon measurements in one week.  He was even administered a test and passed.  He now uses his new measurement vocabulary quite frequently when he is in the kitchen. 


At the end of the camp the children were sent home with a packet that included pictures taken of them through out the week and all the recipes they had created.  I would add that the recipes did not include the exact ingredients.  This is the one thing I found to be a problem once class had ended.  Jax's was so excited to cook his own food and expand his palate only to find out that he had no idea what tomato sauce was used on their pizza.  


At the end of the day it is such an amazing feeling to hear all the stories that come home each day and then be able to see pictures of your child enjoying themselves in moments just as you had hoped for.