Visitor Center

Borax Visitors Center by Stacey Almason

We are always looking for great roadside stops to make on long road trips.  It gives us the opportunity to escape the car and learn something new.  As we drove down Highway 58 we came to this roadside attraction, excited to stretch our legs and see what adventure they had to offer.  The Borax Visitors Center was so much more than I expected. Their website does not give enough information except that admission is free and they are open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  This stop is so much more!  We were greeted at the door by a wonderful woman who invited us in to watch a 10 minute educational video.  Following our video she greeted us at the door with samples of the mineral Borate and a coloring book to take home and explore.


Once we had finished touring the inside of the museum we ventured outside for more fun and an observation deck overlooking the mine. The visual impact alone was astonishing.


These type of stops are valuable for many reasons.  I find the greatest element is you are learning something new without realizing it in the spirit of fun.  This was a great educational stop for everyone involved.